ACHPN presents to the Planning Committee of Auckland Council.

On 5th March 2019 Hope Simonsen and Dominic Foote presented on behalf of the Auckland Community Housing Network to the full Planning Committee of Auckland Council.

The Planning Committee was considering a report on “ Auckland Council’s position and role in affordable housing – affordable housing for all”

The ACHPN presentation (link to presentation)

The 21 Community Housing Provider members of the ACHPN already provide 6000 affordable houses (including those provided for shared ownership) housing approximately 13,000 Aucklanders. Community Housing Providers (CHPs) are not for profit organisations with close ties to local communities who are dedicated to the provision of affordable housing based on what the household can afford (generally no more than 30% of disposable income on housing). CHPs are longstanding organisation that make a long term commitment which means that assets and any income generated is held and reinvested into providing more affordable housing.  CHPs meet the housing needs of existing communities as well as creating new mixed communities with additional community development and support services offered to build resilience and sustainability.

The ACHPN advocated for Council to: utilise its strategic assets (land and buildings) to support the delivery of more affordable housing, consider introducing inclusionary zoning requiring the provision of affordable housing alongside rezoning and value uplift for developers, review (reduce and or waive) development contributions and fees for projects that deliver affordable housing.

Case studies of successful NZ developments – Waimahia in South Auckland (link to article) and to the progressive policies of other Councils – Wellington, Christchurch and Queenstown were provided.

ACHPN will continue to offer CHPs as the best option for delivering truly affordable housing as part of thriving mixed tenure communities. We look forward to the officers report back to the Council (probably in February 2020) on the resolution passed by the Planning Committee:

The resolution passed by the Planning Committee was :

a) agree that Auckland Council’s preferred position and role in affordable housing is Option 3 – intervene and lead including:

  1. modelling inclusionary zoning, other planning mechanisms and incentives

  2. improving council processes for affordable housing outcomes

  3. concessions or grants for community housing providers

  4. partnerships with government, iwi, community housing providers and developers

  5. retained affordability mechanisms and rental tenure security for renters

  6. the experience and needs of people in the intermediate housing market

b) request staff to investigate:

  1. the Kāinga Strategic Action Plan

  2. increasing current stock of housing for older people
